Monday, 19 December 2011

i think i'm addicted to christmas

Christmas never used to be my favourite time of year, I always claimed to love summer way more and resented the cold. I mean, no one likes wearing a ton of layers, getting frostbite every time
you open the front door and having to wear twenty pairs of socks every time it decides to snow, just to keep your feet dry.... or do they? As a little kid i obviously loved christmas and the magic of it, but getting older just seems to suck all the magic out of the festive season! Well, that all seems to have changed this christmas. I'm absolutely loving wrapping up and embracing the cold, and i honestly can't wait for it to snow. So far i'm pretty gutted that we've only had one snowfall (and i don't even think that counts since it melted within an hour). I just seem to love everything about christmas this year, everyone seems to be so much happier and you can't beat the ambiance that comes with buying little gifts for everyone.
Also can't help but get my camera out at every occasion, so enjoy some pictures of my mum's prized christmas lights and tree.


Monday, 12 December 2011

Life is simple

I found this picture earlier while lurking about on a friend of a friend's blog (tumblr to be exact if we're going to name drop websites) and I couldn't agree more with it. We all spend way too much time worrying about the little things in life that, in the long run, are totally unimportant. Like how much our weight is fluctuating, or if our hair looks good today, or heaven forbid the people in the street don't like the new shoes you bought last weekend, even though you'd had your heart set on them for about three months. In my case, worrying about everyone else's opinion, over analysing their reactions to what I say and do, is my biggest problem. You can ask anyone and they'll tell you that. I seem to spend more of my time weighing up the pros and cons of how people will react to what I do (be it buying a new pair of shoes, changing my hair cut, or kissing the guy I've liked for months) because I'm terrified their reaction will deem me unacceptable in society. When you think about it though it's a stupid notion! Why on earth should I care what other people think? As long as I'm happy that's all that matters, right? And it should be the same for everyone! Yet in the society we live in now it seems none of us are as free to look and act as we might like, even if the law is allowing of it: it seems we are held back from our liberties as individuals by our own, irrational fear of rejection. It's pathetic really, and I'm going to try my hardest from today to live life as simple. After all, life should be about one thing for everyone: happiness for all.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Why are skater boys so hot?

Why are skater boys so darn hot? It's something I've been asking myself for years. Ever since I found myself age thirteen an wearing the tightest black skinny jeans I could find (it was a phase.. admittedly 'emo' was not my best fashion decision but thankfully I grew out of it) I've been wondering why. Years on from my somewhat 'darker' days and I still find myself weirdly attracted to the dudes who ride on four wheels as opposed to waling on two legs. Inspired by my current crush (sssh!) and a hilarious ask I found on yahoo the other day, I compiled  short list:
1)Good hair-Yep, some of the ones I scoped out needed a little help when it came to actually styling what they have, but underneath that unwashed mass I'm sure something could be resurrected. In the main though, they seem to have it down.
2)Awesome hats- If there is one thing I love about boys, it's a boy who can wear an awesome hat and pull it off well. The amount of guys who skate that I know, who seem to have a collection of the coolest hats known to man is unreal. Surly dating one means the privilege of sharing the hat fest?
3)Vans!- another fetish of mine has to be vans, I don't care if they're authentic, low pro or high top. I don't even care if they are male or female vans; I just freakin' love them! I bought a pair of slip-ons when I was about 14 and now they're so loved (yes, loved) they actually have holes in the soles and I'm not giving up on them yet!
4)Duuuude- the guys I know who skate just see to have their own dialect. This slow cool drawl with a selection of 'black' lexis thrown in there which they can actually pull off without looking like douches. Yeah it could be something to do with the copious amounts of cannabis they smoke... but even so it makes me weak at the knees.
5) Boarding- lets face it, four wheels really are cooler than two legs. Have you seen those guys do tricks? They blow me away. And a guy who boards can meet you for a date at least half the time quicker than a boy who has to walk to meet you ;)

Monday, 28 November 2011

28th November 2011

I am so over it being winter right now, I can't even describe how ill I am. I had to send myself home from sixth form today, the thought of sitting through three more hours of lessons, freezing cold and feeling physically drained made me want to cry. I planned to come home and work from my bed, but naturally I ended up spending three hours watching videos of guys skating. I don't even understand how or why i have suddenly become obsessed with skaters.....
On the up side I have a sick new vest, can't decide if it's too gangsta for me or not though...

Saturday, 19 November 2011

19th November 2011

Honestly think I've had the most stressful day ever and I've only been awake about three hours, so that's definitely a new record. The funny thing is, it’s all down to Christmas presents; my own Christmas presents too! I went shopping with my dad to buy a new laptop, initially with the aim of getting a beautiful Macbook. I always knew they were overpriced, but they’re just too beautiful not to want! As soon as I walked into the store, the Macbook pros gleamed from their apple stand, glowing like little electronic angels. There’s just something about them, I don’t know if it’s their HD screen or smooth finish, or even if it’s just the little apple emblem; I found myself almost drooling over them. Of course, something so amazing doesn’t come without its disadvantages though, nothing is ever perfect! “We start at around £999”... brilliant, as soon as the first figure left the shop assistants mouth I knew I was doomed. There is no way my dad is going to be willing to fork out a grand (or there about) for a laptop he will probably only see the once. He could go on holiday for that price tag. With a heavy heart I found myself being lead to the “just as good for half the price” laptops”. Save me your excuses Mr shop assistant! I came here for a Macbook and I don’t want to leave without one... even if I have to stay in store for the next five years to save up.
I do know that there are cheaper laptops out there whose internals are just as good (take the Samsung the young boy attempted to show me with 2GB more memory than a Macbook pro and the same hard drive), who are equally as lightweight and who even share the same graphics with the little apple angels; but they just aren’t Macbooks. I tried to convince my dad, I tried to think up a plan in which I could save up £500 and pay half, but unless I become a go-go dancer or win the lottery within the next three weeks, I don’t think I’m going to be unwrapping anything quite as sweet as an apple Macbook this Christmas.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

super cute, wish I knew where I could find this nail varnish. Also with my nails were in such beautiful condition instead of snapping all the time!
I constantly wish that I had one of those interesting lives that bloggers so often seem to have, where they fill everyone in on their wild nights out ever night and all the awesome private events they attend. I like to think that once I start university, and my journalistic career (I wish) takes off I will join them in the ranks, the universe finally on my side. Instead all I seem to have done with my past few days is attempt to catch up on endles aounts of coursework and revision, teachers really don't lie when they say your final year of A levels catches up on you- it's terrifying! And UCAS does not help at all, university open days put the fear of God into me with regards to applications. I feel like I'm going to be living at home until I'm 40!
When I haven't been working my socks off trying to convince people I'm worthy of a nine grand a year place at university (see what I mean, scary stuff) I've been commuting all over. Today, on the journey back from the gym, I couldn't help but notice how dark it gets so early now, and it got me thinking about Christmas. I couldn't be more excited.
From now on prepare yourself for lots of fairy light and tinsel related posts, I'm a six year old inside!
Enjoy your week (if you're nice enough to spend time reading this abysmal attempt at a blog)

Monday, 31 October 2011

Monster Mash

I haven’t always been a huge fan of Halloween, frequently being the little kid who you find cowering in their own front garden from all of the surrounding ghosts and ghouls. In fact, getting me out of the house to trick or treat used to be a task in itself. These days you can’t get me out of the house fast enough... although without the lure of sweets and instead with the lure of cocktails. This year was no exception, and the best thing about Halloween (aside the cheap cocktails), the fact I can dress up in public and no one will say anything about it! I wanted a costume that was cute but cheap too, yet it seems anything cute and good quality comes at a horrifying price! So I decided to use my artistic streak to whip up this little number...

At only about £10 I managed to transform myself into a homemade skeleton. Proof that anything a costume company can do, you can probably do cheaper, if not better.
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

such an amazing ring, got to find myself one asap


What has been going on with Blackberry these past few weeks? It seems like all I heard about for days was blackberry and their lack of service. I know all about black berry messenger shutting down, as well as emails and of course lack of internet. I know all about the painstaking few days which people had to endure without their phones ‘pinging’ every five minutes. I even know all about the lack of helpful information given to customers who rang up. That may sound all very well, but the ironic thing is, I don’t even own a blackberry! Thanks to Facebook and the constant bravado on the news I can only imagine that everyone else’s head is spinning with the thought of these techno-berries too!
I’ve never owned a blackberry myself but I can definitely see the appeal when every single one of my friends has one, with their neat keyboards and the ability to ‘BBM’ each other every few seconds. It’s like a whole world of socialising that I can’t gain access too; the key being the blackberry I don’t have! And I haven’t even gotten started on the range of cute covers that I just can’t seem to find to fit my stupid android. The socialisation and globalisation of these little berries (some of which aren’t even black!) has resulted in me feeling very out of sync. Not quite as cool as the apple Iphone gang, yet not as boring as us mere androids-I found myself asking, why don’t I have a blackberry too?
Ah, until of course last week hit; the cherry on top of a very unhappy cake for blackberry customers apparently. The past week resulted in my friends listing every problem they had with their mobile companions. The apps slowing their phone down, the constant screen freezing, internet and BBM not working for random periods of time. Finally my whines of being left out have been silenced. I think I’ll stick to my trusty little android, bar the few scrapes it’s acquired along the way... well... until I’m rich enough to join the Iphone crew anyway!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

A very informal introduction

Hello. Hola. Bonsoir. Aloha.
Welcome to my blog, something I’m not quite sure I have the hang of just yet, but I’m sure I’ll get there. Formally this would be where I hold out my hand for you to firmly shake (were we face to face as opposed to cyber screen to screen) and told you my name-unfortunately this is not the formal introduction we’re  used to. Instead, this is cyberspace and according to the news nothing is safe on cyberspace, and so I’m here to introduce you to my cyber-self.  I’m a seventeen year old female from a seaside town in the Northeast of England, and although I wish I could pretend I am full of intriguing ideas which I hope to share with the world, I’m not so sure I am that fortunate. Instead, I set up this blog mainly as a university requirement and a place to help me improve my writing so that I have the chance to become a journalist and fulfil my dreams... For an informal introduction this is pretty damn formal...
I like drinking cocktails, leopard print shoes and beautiful boys, although I have acquired the first two things on my list of loves, the last is an ongoing hunt. I also love anyone who can tell a good joke, though I only ever tell bad ones! 
Why do pandas have fur coats?

Because they’d look stupid in denim jackets!*


*See, told you I tell the worst jokes, but at least 4/6 people I’ve told this joke have laughed at it, so it can’t be that bad!