Tuesday, 1 November 2011

I constantly wish that I had one of those interesting lives that bloggers so often seem to have, where they fill everyone in on their wild nights out ever night and all the awesome private events they attend. I like to think that once I start university, and my journalistic career (I wish) takes off I will join them in the ranks, the universe finally on my side. Instead all I seem to have done with my past few days is attempt to catch up on endles aounts of coursework and revision, teachers really don't lie when they say your final year of A levels catches up on you- it's terrifying! And UCAS does not help at all, university open days put the fear of God into me with regards to applications. I feel like I'm going to be living at home until I'm 40!
When I haven't been working my socks off trying to convince people I'm worthy of a nine grand a year place at university (see what I mean, scary stuff) I've been commuting all over. Today, on the journey back from the gym, I couldn't help but notice how dark it gets so early now, and it got me thinking about Christmas. I couldn't be more excited.
From now on prepare yourself for lots of fairy light and tinsel related posts, I'm a six year old inside!
Enjoy your week (if you're nice enough to spend time reading this abysmal attempt at a blog)

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