With another two hours to kill before I can even reboard my plane it seems like I may as well check in, since I haven't bothered with an update in quite a while. Today has been, potentially, the most hectic day of my life. Force to wake up at 5.00am to catch a connection flight to Heathrow only to get here and have my flight delayed (of course only after boarding and sitting on the plane itself for two hours) for a further three hours. Honestly so bored of being in the first class lounge already, and with alcohol and food in abudance I don't think I ever imagined myself saying that. It sucks because originally set to arrive in the big apple at about 4.00pm, I'm now being forced to sacrifice my first afternoon and a potential meal, due to now arriving at 9.00pm. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure it's the city that never sleeps, so something is bound to be going down. Started the day off with a champagne breakfast so you can't really complain- hopefully I'll arive in New York safe, sound and in one piece soon!
My eighteenth went off with a sparkling bang too which was nice, appart from occasional drunken girly banter which always seems to be the problem when certain members of my friends are involved- won't waste letters typing about it though. And the most ironic part of my whole birthday was that I may as well have not turned 18, still haven't been ID'd yet (bar me demanding the bouncer outside of Revolution ID me, as when I went for my first legal cocktails at 1.00pm that day they didn't even bat an eyelid!). Hopefully my eighteenth year is going to be my best yet with minial drama and maximum success (and cocktails and glitter), and hopefully my love life will stay as fab as it is being now, if not just continue to climb in awesomeness.
Can't wait to spend a ton of money, see a lot of awesome things and dance through the streets like a crazy person!
p.s my iphone died and i packed my charger in my suitcase-