Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Home from the city so nice they named it twice!

I came home from the big city last thursday and i think i've been in a state of mourning ever since; everything here at home seems too small! Where the heck are the sky scrapers when you need them? Honestly New york was one of the most amazing, surreal experiences of my life and I feel so privileged to have had the chance to ever have been there. The fact that people actually live there and don't bat an eyelid at the amazing views that surround them on a daily basis is unreal. It is like being in a movie.  Typically we did all the basic tourist things: the statue of liberty, the empire state building (the view is even better than any pictures i've ever seen), 5th avenue, central park, ground zero (shed a couple of tears, how could i not? Such a sentimental place!) and all the rest of it... As well as a tonne of shopping, though not as much as I would have liked to have done I have to admit. And ate like a true American, I put on about five hundred stone by feasting on burgers, chips, donuts and candy- but like they say, 'when in rome....' Obviously, i could go on all day about how amazing it was and list everything I did there in detail, but it would be most likely the most boring thing anyone has ever written. So instead i'm leaving it up to the art of photography to try and tell at least half of my story! 
I think i'd give almost anything to go back again and really can't wait for the opportunity to crop up again. Such an amazing and breathtaking experience from start to finish; if you ever get the chance to visit the big apple- do it!


Sunday, 22 January 2012

Damn Delays!

With another two hours to kill before I can even reboard my plane it seems like I may as well check in, since I haven't bothered with an update in quite a while. Today has been, potentially, the most hectic day of my life. Force to wake up at  5.00am to catch a connection flight to Heathrow only to get here and have my flight delayed (of course only after boarding and sitting on the plane itself for two hours) for a further three hours. Honestly so bored of being in the first class lounge already, and with alcohol and food in abudance I don't think I ever imagined myself saying that. It sucks because  originally set to arrive in the big apple at about 4.00pm, I'm now being forced to sacrifice my first afternoon and a potential meal, due to now arriving at 9.00pm. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure it's the city that never sleeps, so something is bound to be going down. Started the day off with a champagne breakfast so you can't really complain- hopefully I'll arive in New York safe, sound and in one piece soon!
My eighteenth went off with a sparkling bang too which was nice, appart from occasional drunken girly banter which always seems to be the problem when certain members of my friends are involved- won't waste letters typing about it though. And the most ironic part of my whole birthday was that I may as well have not turned 18, still haven't been ID'd yet (bar me demanding the bouncer outside of Revolution ID me, as when I went for my first legal cocktails at 1.00pm that day they didn't even bat an eyelid!). Hopefully my eighteenth year is going to be my best yet with minial drama and maximum success (and cocktails and glitter), and hopefully my love life will stay as fab as it is being now, if not just continue to climb in awesomeness.
Can't wait to spend a ton of money, see a lot of awesome things and dance through the streets like a crazy person!

p.s my iphone died and i packed my charger in my suitcase-typical

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Who's eighteen?

I honestly can not believe that on friday i will be turning eighteen. I man of course i'll be sad to say goodbye to my childhood (not that I will suddenly become any less of a child than i currently am over night) but i am so excited to be saying hello to vodka in abudnance. And if the fact it's my birthday simply isn't exciting enough, by some stoke of luck I am surrounded by the coolest friends and family who are helping to make my celebrations the best yet. I have a little party at sixth form in the common room to look forward too- something that i can only imagine is going to be filled with embarrassing pictures of me in my youth, but also hopefully lots of cake (despite the fact I feel and probably look as though I have gained twenty stone since christmas i am still looking forward to devouring lots of sugar... because it's my birthday and you only turn eighteen once!). Then at one o clock (again by some luck which i can only thank God for i finish at 1 on a friday and my eighteenth just happens to have fallen on a friday!) me and my best and most amazing friend in the world are going to go to revolution for a cocktail lunch break. Can't even contain my excitement to go into my favourite bar ever and not lie to them about being twenty three. i plan on looking as young as I can and ordering as much vodka as I can, just for high-jinx. 
Then, on the evening I get to have an awesome gathering with my best friends, lots of drink and lots of super cute snacks ( cupcakes mainly). My mum really is amazing for letting us take over her house for a few hours, although she doesn't seem to mind, unless of course spillages occur and then i foresee everyone swiftly vacating the premises. Following that, as if it wasn't enough, we're heading off to digital for a night of getting a little crazy- but not too crazy. Though can you ever be too crazy? I'm eighteen for goodness sake!
I plan on waking up on saturday a shell of my former seventeen year old self, before recovering and blossoming in time to jet off to New York and live like the sex in the city girls for five days with my fabulous mum. 
Soooo excited! 

Monday, 9 January 2012

I always want to fully master the art of beautiful flicks on your eyes, a kind of sixties chic which I love, and yet never seem to be able to pull off. This picture seems perfect, I can only hope that I can attempt to  follow its instructions in order to perfect my sixties flicks. I work with a girl who always has the most beautiful eye make up, and even when she goes for a more 'natural' look she still includes these flicks with a nude eyeshadow. It always adds a glamourous edge to her look and i always ask her how she does it, managing to not only make her flicks perfect and smudge free, but also manages to have both eyes even. Honestly I think the art of movie star worthy makeup is something I'm never going to perfect!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

I go to New york in 19 days and i couldn't be more stoked! 

My Personal Mission Statement

So, i was checking up on one of my favourite bloggers Gala (check out her blog @galadarling.com, it's super cute and pink.. and she has awesome pink hair and if you know me at all, you'll know how i feel about those who are fantastic enough to pull off pink hair) and i saw that she was talking about a personal mission statement. Its essentially a little (or long) statement which helps you organise what you plan to with your year, as well as being a guiding force behind any bad descisions. I deffinately need one this year, just to help me make it through 2012 alive, without too my scratches ( except the good kind). So, with thanks to Gala for the inspiration and all...
“A personal mission statement becomes the DNA for every other decision we make.” (Stephen Covey)

She left some questions to guide, talking about when you're at your best and worst, which i've tried to sum up.... 
I am at my best when I am surrounded by people i love, doing things I love, wearing leopard print shoes and drinking purple rain cocktails. I am at my worst when I am stuck in my bedroom, revising subjects i don't care a great deal for and arguing with my mother. At work, if you're talking about my actual place of work, the only thing i really love is talking to Evan, even though he's just some weird kid who helps make the desserts. He just brightens my day. If you mean at sixth form, I really love learning something new, not just the same old crap every day. I like being enlightened and reading good books. outside of work, I really love getting drunk and having fun and flailing with my best friends. Which all sounds very unproductive and cliché, especially when you consider in that time i probably make some moves that I grow to regret. I love shopping too, buying things that sparkle, god this is really embarassing... I sound like such a bog standard girl. I make myself sick.. I'm already starting to regret writing this mission statement thing!  My natural talents and gifts? Lets think, I'm pretty good at writing, I mean this blog probably isn't the best representation of that... but i actually am. It's always been the only thing i've gotten any acknowledgment for at school. I used to be good at drawing too, but i don't really have the time for it anymore. I might start making more time for it. I take a lot of photographs too, i try to be artsy, i'm not very good at being artsy though... maybe i don't have any talents... now i'm just depressed. If i had unlimited time and resources and knew i could not fail i would travel the world, and i would be a freelance journalist who took her own photographs, and i would take photos of every beautiful thing i saw and i would surround myself with amazing people, who i loved, who loved me... So far, my lifes journey isn't too spectacular, though I have travelled alot and met some cool people and done some sick things, but it isn't over yet, it's only just begun, so i don't want to dwell on that too much. On my 80th birthday, if the people who spoke of me only knew me for the past 18 years they'd probably talk bullshit because thats what people dos. I mean, you never hear someone saying 'oh yes, of course we love him but damn that kid is a dick, he strats fights with everyone and is in way too much drug debt...' no... I think people would say I dye my hair too much and overthink everything... but i have a big heart. I think they'd say i was at my best covered in glitter!.. i'm bored of these questions already

But this year, my mission is to pass all my exams, to spend all my time with people who make me smile, and hopefully who i make smile in return. I plan to be comfortable with myself in every way, to travel and to see beautiful things. I plan to love and be loved by as many people as possible and to take as many pictures of beautiful things as i can...
And to have a fucking good time!


Monday, 2 January 2012

In the words of Summer

I, like being on my own. I think relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We’re young, we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world; might as well have fun while we can and, save the serious stuff for later.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy 2012!

So we are officially in 2012 and i'm pretty sure we haven't died yet. Last night on the walk home from town with my best friend, i gave her one of my infamous life talks, where (when sustantially messy on whatever substance has came my way) I find out the meaning of life and tell her. See, what gets me is everyone spent the night expecting anarchy at midnight, like as though an asteroid was just gunna drop from the sky and land smack bang in the middle of independent (this grotty nightclub that, despite smelling of piss, sweat and cannabis, we all still insist on dragging ourselves to every week). But what they don't relsise is I feel like some kind of voice of wisdom, or some kind of authority. You see, i do christian theology A level; now i'm not here to preach and tell you that my religion is right, but it talks some sense. 'man does not know the day or hour'... how the fuck can you expect the world to end at some designated hour if every single holy book or religious artifact states something along those lines. i dunno, it just gets me. And, if you're guna go with the whole mayan calander '2012' movie scenario, thats due to hit us in December anyway. i don't even think I have a point.. but I'm deff going to make the most of this year if we are to expect impending doom (kinda praying that it's bullshit though, i quite like my lfie here thanks).
I just hope 2012 continues being as good and as messy as 2011 ended, 'cause I think things might finally start to be picking up for me. Happy new year; please enjoy some pictures of my favourite people in the world (except the one with pink hair... don't even know who she is?!)