Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy 2012!

So we are officially in 2012 and i'm pretty sure we haven't died yet. Last night on the walk home from town with my best friend, i gave her one of my infamous life talks, where (when sustantially messy on whatever substance has came my way) I find out the meaning of life and tell her. See, what gets me is everyone spent the night expecting anarchy at midnight, like as though an asteroid was just gunna drop from the sky and land smack bang in the middle of independent (this grotty nightclub that, despite smelling of piss, sweat and cannabis, we all still insist on dragging ourselves to every week). But what they don't relsise is I feel like some kind of voice of wisdom, or some kind of authority. You see, i do christian theology A level; now i'm not here to preach and tell you that my religion is right, but it talks some sense. 'man does not know the day or hour'... how the fuck can you expect the world to end at some designated hour if every single holy book or religious artifact states something along those lines. i dunno, it just gets me. And, if you're guna go with the whole mayan calander '2012' movie scenario, thats due to hit us in December anyway. i don't even think I have a point.. but I'm deff going to make the most of this year if we are to expect impending doom (kinda praying that it's bullshit though, i quite like my lfie here thanks).
I just hope 2012 continues being as good and as messy as 2011 ended, 'cause I think things might finally start to be picking up for me. Happy new year; please enjoy some pictures of my favourite people in the world (except the one with pink hair... don't even know who she is?!)

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